L’île de Ré or the isle of Ré; on the beautiful French Atlantic coast,
I’ve been coming to this beautiful island, the isle of Ré, for more than 20 years now. I have to admit that I have a tendency to end up taking the same kind of pictures. It’s not about boredom, I just think it’s simply when looking at the same things over and over, I get somehow a bit blind.
Over the years,
we might not really see who or what is in front of us from every angle and with all their changes over time. Have we fallen into bad habits of not really seeing?
However, I gave myself a way of trying out a new angle while visiting the isle of Ré;
I used my phenomenal Fujinon lens, 35mm f1.4 r. Which corresponds more or less to a traditional 50mm. When I started out in photography, back in the days… it was the only lens I had.
And for a very long time with my photography;
I only had fixed lenses such as; 24mm, 35mm, 50mm and 80mm, zoom lenses didn’t even exist to me then.
Later, using zoom lenses became so much more comfortable. It was also much quicker to use, so my fixed lenses got buried for some time at the bottom of my bag, sadly.
Therefore, I thought,
stepping outside my “zoom-comfort zone” starting to work with fixed lenses again would change my point of view. The quality of them is also just outstanding.